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Jon Molloy7 Feb 2024 - 09:22

Weybridge Business Links

Dear Weybridge Cricket Club Member,

Thank you to all those who were able to join our Centenary Launch event on Thursday 1st
February. It was great to see so many people at the club – there was a real buzz about the plans for the year. Thank you for all your support.

Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help organise the various centenary events. We know many members are keen to help but were unable to attend the launch event itself. A summary of events is on another article on this site. We do need more volunteers so please contact me (details below) if you can get involved.

We also need all members' help please to improve our links to local businesses in general and to see which businesses are able, and willing, to support our Centenary fundraising activities.

Please can you take 10 minutes to: - Review the list of businesses, also on this site, in Weybridge to identify any that you have contact with. This may be where you work, or where friends or family are linked. - Consider if you can introduce us to a local business to build a relationship going forward, and - let me know (contact details below) how you can help.

We have a small team of volunteers who are keen to build the relationships and discuss our
centenary fundraising ideas with local businesses.

If you would like to discuss any of the events or our fundraising plans directly with me, please do get in touch.

My contact details are:
SMS/WhatsApp: 07740923348

Best wishes and thank you.
Keith Harrington - WCC Centenary Chair

Further reading